Anaglyph Chuckie Egg


Tue 12 July 2011 (V0.95)
Walk sound tweaked.
Removed 60hz setting.

Mon 11 July 2011 (V0.94)
Fall sound tweaked.
Save file remembers colour mode.

Sun 03 July 2011 (V0.93)
-60 switch for 60 Hz.
New icon.
Saves colour mode to registry.
Walking off lifts fixed.
Coloured by deafult.

Sat 25 June 2011 (V0.92)
60 Hz

Sat 25 June 2011 (V0.92)

Fri 24 June 2011 (V0.91)
-cheat option.
-dx option.
Swan start position on level 4 fixed.
Level remembers previous state.
UK key symbols on redefine page.
Depth menu uses level 3.
Stop movement when last egg collected.
Level 3 - fall thru lift.
Depth control keys always work.
DirectX key removed.
Menu swaps with hiscore.

Mon 20 June 2011 (V0.9)
Three alternative colour methods on F5,F6,F7.
Hiscore cleaned up.
Up ladder and jumping sound fix.
Sounds all remade.
More Instructions added to mainmenu.

Fri 17 June 2011 (V0.8)
Depth menu finished.
Key menu finished.
Settings are loaded and saved.
Game Over cleaned up.
Pause cleaned up.
-reset and -f command line options.

Wed 15 June 2011 (V0.7)
0xC0 Key goes up - UK keyboard.
Key names in key menu.

Utility program.

Tue 14 June 2011 (V0.6)
Key menu.
Depth Menu.
Swans don't slide.
Swans eat seed.
Joystick fire button changed.
Number of players fixed.

Sun 12 June 2011 (V0.5)
Sounds fixed.
Player animation frames fixed.
Swan start positions fixed.
Compiled as FINAL.

Tue 07 June 2011 (V0.4)
Font, pause and title page in 3D.
Centered sprites - stopped overdraw.
Inverse numbers in panel fixed.

Sat 04 June 2011
Die after one level.

Fri 03 June 2011 (V0.3)
Title logo fixed.
Ladder depth = 6.

Sat 28 May 2011 (V0.2)
Sounds broken.

Fri 31 Dec 2010

  1. F1 - Window bigger
  2. F2 - Window smaller
  3. F4 - DirectX on/off
  4. F5 - White
  5. F6 - Greyscale
  6. F7 - Colour
  7. TAB - fullscreen
  8. J - Joystick on/off
  9. S - Start Game
  10. K - Redefine keys
  11. D - Change Depths
  12. Cursors - Move player
  13. Spacebar - Jump
  14. ESC - Pause/Quit

Sound List
  1. Die
  2. Walk Left
  3. Walk Up
  4. Jump
  5. Fall
  6. Egg
  7. Grain
  8. Count Bonus

Command Line Options
  1. "-f" fullscreen
  2. "-reset" change keys and detpths to default
  3. "-cheat" enable cheats: 'Q' level down, 'W' level up.
  4. "-dx" enable DirectX.