BBC List
BBC List is a program that displays a list of games that can be sorted by name,
year, publisher and genre. It can also be used to launch the game in an emulator.
By right clicking on the files in the list you can edit all the info for
that game or set it as a favorite, set the game genre or the year. You do not
have to complete the filename field because the program will automatically
assume that it is the game name with an .ssd extension
There are also numerous filter options available to allow you to find the game you want.
If you have any corrections or additions to the database, please email me with the information so hopefully,
we can end up with a complete list of all published BBC games !
The program currently comes with a database of over 2000 games.
You can download it from Stairway to Hell's essentials area. (Link Here)
And a Apple Mac version has been written by Jon Welch. (Link Here)