P209 BEEBFAX 122 Thu 31 Dec --:--/--                                                                                                                              CHRISTMAS EVE 6.45 3-2-1 Dick Whittington pantomime,  hosted by Ted Rogers guests:  Billy Dainty, Julie Rogers,  Kenneth Connor and Dana 7.45 CILLA BLACK'S CHRISTMAS EVE 8.45 NEWS FROM ITN 9.00 HART TO HART Robert Wagner, Stefanie Powers 10.00 AGATHA CHRISTIE'S MURDER IS EASY (1981 tv film) starring Bill  Bixby, Lesley-Anne Down, Olivia  de Havilland, Jonathan Pryce,  Anthony Valentine, Timothy West 11.45-12:40 MIDNIGHT MASS from St Mary's Cathedral,    Later programmes follow     Next       Prev       Home        End